Mat Loans
​The Michigan Budokan is pleased to announce that it has acquired portable mats for use by groups in our communities who need a padded surface for their activities, such as martial arts seminars, tests, or competitions; yoga retreats; children’s physical activities; movement workshops; and so on. Groups interested in using our mats should contact us directly.
The Mats
We have 900 square feet (50 judo tatami) of high-quality Dollomur Flexi-Roll mats, made up of 5 individual rolls of 6’x30’ and 2 inches thick, any or all of which may be borrowed. The surface is similar to judo tatami (slightly “straw mat” textured vinyl). Any number of these mats may be joined together using their Velcro fastening system. The mats are relatively easy to transport, at ~100lbs. each and rolled dimensions of 6’ high and ~3’ in diameter.

Michigan Budokan Mat Loan Program
Use of mats by approved groups is free of charge as a part of our charitable mission to support mind/body and movement activities in our state, though donations in any amount from users to help support our programs are greatly appreciated.
Groups which may borrow our mats will include for-profit and not-for-profit entities, community organizations, schools, faith organizations, clubs, or others.
Michigan Budokan will lend mats to interested groups at its sole discretion and reserves the right to refuse to lend them for any or no reason.
Mat usage is for discrete, short-term events only and is not available for regular scheduled (e.g., a weekly class) or long-term use. Mats may only be used indoors.
Groups borrowing the mats are solely responsible for their transportation to and from the event site and our storage facility. Mats must be transported in a clean, closed-bed vehicle and not exposed to the elements during transit.
Groups borrowing the mats must indemnify the Michigan Budokan, Inc. against injuries that may be incurred by their members or participants in their events, and agree to abide by the terms laid out in an agreement with the Michigan Budokan. Depending upon the nature of the event, the Michigan Budokan may require:
Waivers to be signed by all participants/guardians of participants releasing the Budokan and its officers from liability for injuries that may occur
Addition of the Budokan to any certificates of insurance held by the group or purchased for the event, or the procurement of event insurance
Groups borrowing the mats agree to assume full financial responsibility for repair or replacement of the mats if they are damaged in transportation or usage beyond the expected “wear and tear” of their intended use.